The Grandma’s Jars team is always looking to help

Phil McGilvray
Co-Founder, CEO and Financial Coach
When our money is a mess, the rest of our life tends to be a mess as well! By helping people take control of their finances, I know that I am also helping their relationships, their health, and their sense of wellbeing. Phil
Phil is an everyday guy who has a passion for equipping people with the knowledge, tools and resources they need to master their money and eliminate the financial stress and uncertainty from their lives.
As a former partner in one of Australia’s leading financial planning and stock broking firms, Phil understands that when our finances are causing us stress, that stress impacts on our relationships, our work, our health and our sense of wellbeing.
Phil’s passion for helping people budget, get out or debt and consistently save money led him to build the Grandma’s Jars financial coaching system in 2003.
Since establishing Grandma’s Jars Phil has personally coached more than 500 couples and individuals, all over the world and helped thousands of others through his live workshops and online courses.
In 2016 Phil walked away from his 15 year career in the Financial Planning Industry to focus full time on financial education and coaching.
Phil and his wife, Lianne, have three beautiful children, Hannah, Holly and Lachlan; a dog called Scarlet, 3 Rabbits, and 5 Fish. Phil loves marathon running (when injury free), gardening and fishing.
Phil has an Advanced Diploma of Financial Services, a Graduate Diploma of Human Resource Management, a Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy), and a Master of Sports Science and Exercise Physiology.
Having seen the power of budgeting in our own lives and what it has allowed us to achieve in the 20 year of married life, it is a joy to support Phil in his passion for educating and empowering others to master their finances, too.Lianne
Lianne owns and runs a successful occupational therapy practice and also is a constant source of support and encouragement for Phil and the Grandma’s Jars team.
When she not keeping Phil, the kids, the pets, the house and her business running, Lianne enjoys holidays at the coast, reading, board games and going to the gym.

Lianne McGilvray

Barb Easter
Financial Coach
Barb Easter and Phil McGilvray met across continents, and thanks to Phil’s coaching, personal effort, and the Grandma’s Jars method, the Easters are now about to step into a debt-free life while still in their 30s. Barb is passionate about coaching people to better understand and manage their personal and business finances; raising her kids to be great people with awesome financial literacy skills; and building a wonderful life for her family.
Professionally, she works with small businesses and accountants to teach how cash flow forecasting software provider Dryrun can enhance the growth of their business, and coaches individuals, families and kids toward financial literacy . In her spare time, she reads, runs slowly, gardens and practices yoga. Barb and her family love life in Ontario, Canada.
Kylie is a 30 year veteran of the finance and accounting industry, having worked as finance officer for Government, Local councils & private enterprise. Kylie’s experience includes 15 years in debt collection where she worked alongside clients to help them establish a realistic budget and eliminate outstanding debt.
Like Phil, Kylie was lucky to have a family member, in this case her Dad who taught her how to Budget (using glass Jars) from her very first pay cheque as a 15 year old. Over the years Kylie has shared her skills and experience with anyone who will listen, helping friends, family and colleagues mange their money, get out of debt and save for important lifestyle goals.
Kylie is married to John, has three children in their late teens. In her spare time she loves camping in the bush, hiking and Kayaking

Financial Coach

Grant Phillips
Web Designer and User Interface Specialist
From the very start I was taken in by the sheer passion that Phil exudes. Once I got the hang of how Grandma’s Jars works, I was then torn between wanting to take the time to make it as good as we could and getting it completed so I could use it!Grant
The owner of Growth Labs, a digital marketing and design agency, Grant and his team have been integral to translating the entirety of Grandma’s Jars into an easy-to-use and attractive user interface and developing the Grandma’s Jars’ brand.
A native of Billings, Montana, USA, Grant holds a bachelor’s degree in business management and computer science from Rocky Mountain College, Montana, USA. While not slaving away behind the computer, he loves to engage in outdoor sports, such as biking, soccer, hiking and camping. An aficionado of the finer things in life, he’s often found enjoying fine coffees, whiskies and cigars. He lives in Prague, Czech Republic, with his wife, Katerina.