Saving money with Grandma’s Jars gave Alex & Angie a better and more financially secure life.
…instead of our bank balance going lower each month, we are actually managing to save money each month!
Neither of us had ever developed a budget to manage our finances before, even though we’d heard from people that using one was very helpful for saving money. For the first seven years of our marriage, we had always managed to ‘get by’ since we were both working full time. This changed once our son arrived, and I took a year off work as maternity leave. Very quickly our spending overtook our income, and we were dipping into our savings, which worried us.
Fortunately, six months into my maternity leave we started meeting with Phil, who came to our rescue. He helped us develop a budget, so we were aware of our living expenses and could allocate money to each expense. Doing this has helped us be more careful with our spending, and now, instead of our bank balance going lower each month, we are actually managing to save money each month! Grandma’s Jars tools and personal counselling have been such a blessing.
We’ve even afforded to upgrade our car and go on two overseas holidays since meeting with Phil. I am now on maternity leave for another year with our new daughter, and it is such a relief knowing we are able to afford to pay all our bills, including the mortgage, and still save money.