Pay off your debts and budget your money while still living life
Chris & Katrina
In three years, we have been able to pay thousands off our mortgage … while not missing out on ‘living’.
About three years ago, Phil asked us if we had a budget we were working with. We didn’t really. We had tried a few over the years but just didn’t get the hang of them. We thought we were doing okay, but things with our business started getting worse. We began meeting with Phil, and as he explained how this budget worked, we were able to understand it and work to it.
In three years, we have been able to pay thousands off our mortgage, in addition to building up a savings account all the while not missing out on ‘living’. Having different Jars for things like mortgage, kids (school, swimming, etc.), grooming, craft (as well as others) have enabled us to still enjoy living while still making sure we have enough money set aside each month to cover all our expenses.
We feel so blessed to know Phil and are very thankful for his gifts in helping us this way.