Financial security brings peace of mind and helps relationships
We may not actually have survived this latest most radical step to one income without using Grandma’s Jars under Phil’s guidance
Like most urban Canadian couples, Dave and I had gradually adjusted to life on less and less income without having planned for it – first two full incomes, then a house purchase, maternity leave, daycare expenses, then another maternity leave. Life surprised us with the arrival of our second child and her health issues, and together, but with little planning we made the decision for Barb to stay home.
We may not actually have survived this latest most radical step to one income without using Grandma’s Jars under Phil’s guidance. With him, we’ve made far more progress with far less money than we’ve ever had. Taking steps toward financial wellness under Phil’s coaching has also brought us much closer as a couple – there’s no more underlying stress or tension related to what is paid, who bought what, what our individual and joint goals are, etc. It’s astounding how much our lack of financial communication influenced other areas of our relationship.
We overhear other people our age who are afraid to open bills or answer the phone, who have maxed lines of credit, and who live paycheque to paycheque while buying stuff with credit cards. The stress they experience is terrible to witness. On one income with two small kids, we’ve paid off our car and paid down our credit card; we meet all our expenses in a given month, and we are ready to handle all present and future necessities, emergencies, and extras.
We wholly endorse Phil whose positive accountability and structured financial principles met us where we were at, and continue to educate and motivate us to achieve financial freedom. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Phil.