30K of debt cleared in 12 months, Duane & Jen share their success story
Duane & Jen
Phil’s advice and guidance has allowed us to save amounts we could only dream of, without feeling hugely restricted with spending.
Duane and I were fortunate to have met Phil at a dinner for engaged couples, where he talked about managing your finances. Duane and I are the complete opposites when it comes to handling money, and we could definitely see that this would become a major issue for us, once married. We decided to see Phil a couple of months before getting married, and we are extremely glad we did!
Going into our marriage, we had a 30K debt and no savings. We started meeting with Phil monthly ,and he helped us set up a budget. At first it was a challenge to be accountable for every dollar you spend, but we soon realized that is how you start taking control of your money. Phil’s advice and guidance has allowed us to save amounts we could only dream of, without feeling hugely restricted with spending. He has also helped us prioritise what we spend our money on, enabling us to cut out wasteful spending.
Three years on, we paid our debt in the first 12 months. We’ve been on an awesome, 6-week overseas trip (all paid for), have saved over 50K towards a house deposit, and I can honestly say money has never been an issue in our marriage. Every month we really look forward to meeting with Phil as he continues to motivate, teach and guide us with our finances.
We wish all couples about to get married could see Phil!