Budget planning helped secure James & Prue’s financial future
James & Prue
We continually say to each other that we wish we had started this budget earlier
After a couple of years living and renting in Sydney, quite a few wedding seasons and then the expense of planning our own wedding, we were well behind financially. We could not see ourselves moving forwards at this stage without dealing with our current financial situation and eliminating the dead debt we were carrying.
After seeing Phil for 4 months, we noticed some of the biggest financial changes we’ve ever seen. We had paid all our bad debts off and had finally started a savings fund. We have managed to go to Europe for 2 weeks and are in the process of planning another 2 month holiday in South America, all without having to use credit. Being able to do these things without feeling guilty and to come back from a holiday with money in the bank has been a real achievement for us. The fact that we do not have to think about where the next mortgage payments or insurance money will be coming from makes life a breeze.
The online web page and the iPhone app allow us to easily record all our spending. The monthly catch ups are great and make you accountable for your actions, even though it is your own money. We continually say to each other that we wish we had started this budget earlier. Grandmas Jars could not come with a higher recommendation.