Mel & Jed Reid

Our intentions for our finances and planning for our future were always good

The very week I had prayed and asked God to send us an answer to our financial situation Phil walked in to our church. The moment Phil began to speak I knew God had answered my prayer. I felt like Phil was talking directly to me and our situation.

Our intentions for our finances and planning for our future were always good. We were determined not to make the mistakes so many others had made but unfortunately good intentions were not enough. A lack of wisdom and knowledge was our undoing.

Going from two full time wages to one when we had our first child was difficult so we began to look for opportunities that would allow me to stay at home to raise our children but continue to support the lifestyle we wanted to enjoy. Starting our own business seemed to be the answer to this but unfortunately it put us in a much worse situation than where we had started. This along with a lack of knowledge and understanding, some bad spending habits and bad decisions all contributed to our financial situation.

Life was not going to plan. We began to feel overwhelmed with what looked like an increasingly impossible situation. It seemed everything we tried had the opposite effect. We had even tried some other budgeting program’s that had some fantastic ideas but failed to show us how to go from where we were, living week to week, to having savings and a surplus in order to cover our future expenses. This seemed impossible until The God of the impossible introduced me to Phil and we started our journey with Grandmas Jars.

Now we have hope for our future again we not only have the will but the knowledge and tools to ensure a much brighter future and a plan to be debt free. We are excited by what this will mean not only for us but for our children. We are beyond excited for what this will do for them as we teach them these principles and hopefully see them apply them very early on in their working lives so they can avoid the mistakes and hardships we have had to go through.

Life comes with many challenges that we cannot control but managing our finances is no longer one of them for us. With a long and difficult road with an ill child having our finances in order and the ease of Grandmas Jars to manage them, it has taken a great deal of pressure off us during a very stressful and trying time.

We cannot thank Phil, Lianne and the team enough for how much this has changed our lives and our future. We love sharing the gift of Grandmas Jars with others.

If you have the will and determination Phil has the knowledge and tools to put you on a road to a much brighter future.