Video Transcription Hi guys, Phil McGilvray here from Grandma’s Jars, thanks for joining us today. Today’s tutorial is the second of our ten part series, our ‘Top Ten Tips for Paying Off Debt’. In our previous session we looked at tip number 1, which was ‘no more debt’. So coming to that place where we are committed to not taking on any more debt is super important if we are to move forward financially and get ourselves out of debt. So to start moving in the right direction we have to stop digging that hole. Reviewing The Habits & Behaviours That Cause Debt Today, what we are looking at is the habit and behaviours that have caused you being in debt in the first place. Going through a process to see what actually caused us to be in this situation to start with. So what we got here, is the process that we take all our clients through. So, whenever we take on a new budgeting client that has got debt, we sit down and look at it and say, “OK, what are the habits and behaviours that along the way have caused you to be in debt.” I’ve got …
Top 10 Tips For Paying Off Debt: No More Debt
Video Transcription Hi Guys, Phil McGilvray here from Grandma’s Jars. Thank you so much for joining us today. I am really excited to be starting a new tutorial series: Top 10 tips for paying off debt. Over the years, we have had the joy of working with hundreds and hundreds of couples and individuals helping them take control of their finances and pay off their debt forever. So we are going to be sharing with you over the next ten tutorials, the tips and techniques we’ve successfully used over 15 years to successfully help our clients take control and get out of debt. No More Debt Today we are starting with tutorial one and I know it sounds obvious but tutorial one is “No More Debt”. I know that sounds really obvious, but one thing we have found is that debt has become such a big part of the Australian psyche of the Australian way of managing our finances that we just see it as normal, as the way we got to do things. But the reality is, that it’s not the case. While debt might seem to be the easy way to do things to start with, it always comes back to …