Have you ever stopped to consider how much your home loan will cost you if you let it run to its full 30 year term? When we take on our home loans we have good intentions of paying it back early but then life seems to get in the way. But getting comfortable with our mortgage will cost you more than you think.
Mortgage Advice: Is It Time To Fix Your Interest Rates?
As a financial advisor, clients are always thinking of ways to save money and pay off debt. One of the most common questions I get asked are, “Should we consider fixing the interest rates on our home loan?”
Mortgage Advice for Young Couples Part 3: The Best Home Loan Structure
In the first blog in this series, Mortgage Advice for Young Couples Part 1: How Much Do We Need to Save For a House?, I provided an overview of how much you need to save before buying a house and outlined all the costs you need to consider. In this second blog, Mortgage Advice for Young Couples Part 2: How Much Can We Afford to Spend on a House?, I outlined the process I use with all my clients to help them identify how much they can afford to spend on a house.
Mortgage Advice for Young Couples Part 2: How Much Can We Afford to Spend on a House?
One of the most fulfilling parts of being a financial coach is journeying with and helping people achieve financial goals that are important to them. One of the biggest, if not the biggest, financial goal you and I will face in our lifetime is to save for and purchase our first house. As a financial coach I also recognise that a big part of my responsibility to my clients is to give them the right advice, even if they don’t necessarily like what they hear.
Mortgage Advice for Young Couples Part 1: How Much Do We Need to Save For a House?
One of the most fulfilling parts of being a financial coach is journeying with and helping people achieve financial goals that are important to them. One of the biggest, if not the biggest financial goal you and I will face in our lifetime, is to save for and purchase our first house.