For the past month I have been saying to the kids each morning, “I wonder what we were doing this time last year?” For the McGilvray family, this time last year marked the last day of a magical white Christmas holiday in the UK and Europe. The holiday had been years in the planning and a well-earned reward for finally having our home loan paid off!
The Gift To NOT Give This Christmas
Like most blokes, I have something of a phobia when it comes to shopping. Don’t get me wrong, I like buying stuff, I just hate going to the shops! Oftentimes that same sentiment around Christmas leads people to the quick and convenient solution – buying a gift card – but this is the gift you should avoid giving this Christmas! It might be nice for the convenience, but it’s bad on the budget. Let’s explore what we can do instead, to ensure your budget stays on track this Christmas.
Five Tips For A Debt Free Christmas
Christmas time should be a wonderful time of celebration, family fun and relaxation…. well that’s the theory. The reality on the other hand can be quite different, especially when money’s tight. If you’re like most people, Christmas means stretching the limits of your credit card or dipping into the redraw facility. To help you keep your costs down and manage Christmas without the debt, here are 5 tips for a debt free Christmas!
3 Tips For Saving Money This Christmas
I am not quite sure where the year went but here we are again, less than a month away from Christmas. While Christmas is a wonderful time to relax, celebrate and spend time with the family it can also bring with it a whole lot of financial stress and uncertainty.